And Notice I use the term "Compliments" not equal, stronger, weaker etc, but someone whose strengths makes up for the searcher's weaknesses.
In out society women tend to take care of the house and the Children while men tend to heavy labor around the house. Before women joined the work force, what most men looked for in a mate is someone who could take care of the house, the kids AND RUN THE VARIOUS ERRANDS HE COULD NOT DO BECAUSE HE WAS WORKING.
Today, most women work so the parties have to share the duty of running the errands of the household, but the need to have someone to do what you are weak at still exists and finding someone who is complimentary is the key to a healthy relationship.
An Aside; when I was in business school we learned that partnerships were more successful than sole proprietorships? Why? Because when people looked for partners, they did the same thing that people looking for mates do, find a partner who compliments themselves. Gilbert and Sullivan is the classic example, one was of the Upper elite the other from the working class, and between them made "light operas" something people of both classes could enjoy.
The owners of Macy around 1900s (Three Jewish brothers whose name escapes me, they had bought it off the heirs of the original founder of Macy's), each had a role to play in the store, as time went on one brother became more and more involved in the Politics and social life of New York City, he found his niche and his niche helped Macy even through he did not participate in the day to day operation of the store after about 1900. I can go on, but the key was two people who were NOT the same, but brought into the partnership strengths that the other partner did not have.
In a permanent relationship that is what the parties want, someone to complement them.