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Thursday, August 11, 2005
Underwear thief sentenced in Seneca Falls
SENECA FALLS — A local contractor who confessed to possessing a woman’s stolen pair of underwear will spend the next five weekends in jail.Town Justice Joyce “Bonnie” Mahoney Wednesday sentenced Mark D. Travis, 50, of 2933 Route 318, Tyre, to 200 hours of community service, fined him $500, placed him on three years’ probation and ordered him to pay $995 in restitution, the majority of which covers changing locks and other security measures taken by the woman and her family.
Travis pleaded guilty June 10 to fifth-degree criminal possession of stolen property and second-degree harassment, admitting that he possessed the woman’s underwear Jan. 4 at State and Fall streets and that he followed the woman and members of her family from Sept. 8, 2004, to Jan. 4. Travis, owner of M.D. Travis Construction, got the underwear and allegedly several other garments, including a bathing suit and shorts belonging to the woman’s 11-year-old daughter, while working as a contractor at their home. Travis had known the family for a long time and had a key to their house.
That count alleges he had more than 50 pairs of women’s underwear at his home, including 17 more of the Seneca Falls woman’s. The woman’s husband read a statement to the court, saying his 13-year-old son wakes up every night crying, fearing for his mother’s life; he asked how to explain to his daughter that a man she has known since “she has been old enough to have memories,” stole her underwear and wanted to spend time with her alone.
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