" The Human Vacuum"
He is getting up there in the top 5 in the Nation.
http://www.competitiveeaters.com/SpiceFestchickenwingspage3.htmThe table has been set: Gentlman Joe is seated at the head of the table with Mark Lyle-The Human Vaccum and Chris "The American" seated by his side.
6/27/05- Lyle Captures Wing Title & Coondog sets Corn on the Cob World Record:
The "Vacuum" nailed down another Chicken Wing title at the Third Annual Spicefest in Ft. Wayne Indiana by consuming 2.91lbs of meat off the bone. The "Vacuum" again proves that he is among the best Wing Eaters in the United States by defeating a group of fine athletes. In addition, Lyle battled temperatures in the mid nineties and dry wings (however delicious). In a very close 2nd was Chris "The Juggernaut" Patton, also referred to as the "General of Chicken Wings" because he is a distant relative of General George Patton, finished with 2.85 lbs.