I always sleep with the TV on so I don't know how much this was affected by some movie on it, but... There was an outbreak of some contagious disease. People started dropping like flies. People turned to the government for answers. Bush was to make a speech about what the government could and would do. For some reason, I was entrusted with delivering the speech to the WH. I read it--not bad full of platitudes but it would give people hope. But Bush didn't give that speech. He instead, announced that in the interest of the country, he was taking complete charge. People stunned, the press unable to publish. People started to disappear and not always because of the disease Things were getting scarier and scarier. Food became scarce. Not-Jenna announced her wedding to a prominent physician working on the cure. She, too comes down with disease. The doctor asks for peppermint sticks--it's my job to get them for him. Finally find two small sticks; rush to deliver them but both the doctor and Not-Jenna have been disappeared. Bush is about to give another speech announcing the death of Not-Jenna and just before that happens people are gathered to listen to him--it's now a law that everyone must come together to hear our great leader, the SCOTUS marches out as a group lead by Chaney. They come back and announce that due to the constitutional crises created by the disease, they are dis-banning. People again stunned to silence. I wake up. So how was your night?