OU Student Goes to Court on Bomb Accusations
Thursday, August 11, 2005 at 10:56pm
OU Student accused of bringing a pipe bomb into Will Rogers World Airport in a carry on bag goes before a Federal Magistrate.
By: Mary Beth Henschel
University of Oklahoma student Charles Dreyling Jr., 24, was released into the custody of his parents this afternoon.
Dreyling went before US Magistrate Gary Purcell just after 3:30.
The college student was led into the courtroom by his attorney Kent Eldridge and a US Marshal. Dreyling was wearing a red jumpsuit but he was not wearing handcuffs.
Purcell questioned him at length and asked him if he understood the charges made against him.
Dreyling said "yes your honor".
In a sworn affidavit Dreyling told FBI agents the device in his carry-on bag was an explosive device that he described as "basically a pipe bomb", and he admitted to agents he had been making bombs since he was 14 years old.
Dreyling told agents he had learned how to make homemade explosive devices from websites such as �The Anarchist�s Cook Book�.
In the affidavit Dreyling explained how he built and detonated several pipe bombs in the past for "recreational purposes".
The college student has received the support of former Mayor Kirk Humphries.
Humphries was in federal court today and sat in the front row with Dreyling's parents.
KTOK asked Humphries if he had read Dreyling's sworn affidavit.
Humphries said he had, but he believed Dreyling left the device in his bag "by accident".
He also said Dreyling had just been down at Lake Eufala with the Humphries and had the pipe bomb with him, but he never detonated it and had just "thrown it back into his bag and forgot about it".
It took US Magistrate Purcell just 30 minutes to decide to release Dreyling into the custody of his parents.
He also must relinquish his passport to the US Probation Office, pay a $10,000 bond, stick to a curfew of 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. and he must not visit any airports.
Dreyling's tentative preliminary hearing is set for August 31st at 10:30 a.m.
http://www.ktok.com/cc-common/feeds/view.php?feed_id=135&feed=/local.html&instance=1&article_id=27539Let me get this straight: The kid is well known for making bombs by a former public official who was charged to see after the public safety of his former constituents and he didn't have any problems with what the kid was doing. That's it, right?
Uhhh, Lemme check something...
http://www.google.com/search?q=%22kirk+humphries%22%2Bmayor%2Brepublican+&hl=en&hs=f7O&lr=&newwindow=1&c2coff=1&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&start=10&sa=NYep, I was right: He's a goddamed republican.
Jeezzus H. Christ on a Royal avec frommage, I love GOOGLE!