I just realized that a year ago today was the nail in the coffin of my now defunct marriage. We were "pretty sure" by the end of April 2004 that our marriage was over (well, I was anyway), but a year ago today was when I told my dad and it was really real. It was the day after this violent episode where my ex-husband smashed everything around our bedroom because he was mad at me. Broken glass, broken appliances- it was lovely. I vowed to find a way out and never, ever live in fear and anger again. For several months, I thought my life was heading in one direction, then when were actually finally able to file and I moved early in 2005, I realized that what I thought and what was to be were something else all together.
Lived some more life. Got on my feet. Became established more at my job. Got lots of things in order. Experienced things I never experienced in the next few months. It was cool. No regrets. I finally stopped feeling "flawed" all the time. My ex found some some peace within himself as well and we're pretty decent co-parents together. (I took the high road in many ways to make it better for my children.)
In June, I met this amazing, loving man who has brought me so much. The icing on the cake. I don't know what will happen, but I'm grateful again to have actual love (and hope) again in a way I never had before.
Anyway, just thinking out loud as usual. To a better future: :toast: to us, the country, the planet!