He claimed he broke his ankle after his 26th parachute jump and was discharged. At least he had the courage to make the grade in the 101st and to jump out of an airplane 26 times. That makes Hendrix a greater patriot than the cowardly Chimp.
And Hendrix then had the courage to express his feelings about the war in his rendition of the Star Spangled Banner, in which his wailing guitar described the "bombs bursting in air" at Woodstock, during the height of the Vietnam war. And his tune "Machine Gun":
Machine gun,
tearin' my body all apart.
Machine gun,yeah,
tearin' my body all apart.
Evil man make me kill you.
Evil man make you kill me.
Evil man make me kill you,
even though we're only famlies apart.
While some call it merely crazy conspiracy theories, there are many who question the way Hendrix died. His guitarist friend John MacLaughlin swears that Hendrix was murdered. Hendrix was neither a heroine user nor a coke user. He did marijuana and LSD. I recently heard a broadcast on Pacifica Radio that brought forth a great deal of evidence about the war against rock-and-roll waged by the FBI against figures like John Lennon and Hendrix in the late 60's. The interviewee claimed that Hendrix was murdered by the FBI, who had opened a file on him as a potential subversive in 1969. Late in his career, Hendrix was giving benefit concerts for the Chicago Seven and funneling money to political causes. He was making political statements at his concerts in favor of the Black Panthers (I know, I attended three of his concerts). There was a fear that the black community, who had previously not been exposed to his music because of its predominantly white audience, was starting to tune in. At the time, people were dying in the streets, especially black people. Hendrix was only one of several musicians being closely monitored by our government.