What about an invalid dependent? if not then why do you value sticking up for yourself as being any less worthy than sticking up for your kids? You depend on you too and you are worth sticking up for yourself.
It's theft. Bullies get away with it because they know that people like you prefer to avoid confrontation, and they profit from that.
Here's some help: You don't have to get mad to "confront". You don't have to throw a scene or any of those other things that help vent nerves. Don't pay your nerves any attention - they'll just get in the way.
What did Max Ehrman say in Desiderata: "speak your truth quietly and clearly" - and sui generis would add, "and in front of a neutral witness or with a recording device".
If you are owed money legally or contractually, then your boss is probably breaking all kinds of employment law by not paying you what you are owed and can be in twenty different kinds of trouble if you push the issue. If he keeps pushing you off and it's a legal issue go to your local state Employment Agency office and ask for help - they will aim you in the right direction.