...Just to deflect the other conversation, I am bothered, nay outraged, by the kids who opt for homelessness as fashion statement.
Who so proudly wear the tag "gutterpunk," asking passersby for a dollar for beer, who spend what they get on faux-punk accessorizing, and act as if I am the pinnacle of un-cool for refusing to play along.
Who suffer from no disease, mental or otherwise, save an utter lack of personal accountability. And maybe crabs.
Who think that at the age of 15 they have some concept of the world envisioned by the Sex Pistols or, god forbid, suggest through their clothing that "Sid Lives."
Who travel in packs, leeching off the one who's mother forgot to cancel her credit card.
Who are about as punk as a Monte Cristo sandwich.
- Robb, a Dingbat who had blue hair years ago, when it actually surprised people. And now has a job. ;)