Exit Plan is very simple:
Give back the oil ~ Bring home the troops!
No more orphans for Halliburton Oil!
The Exit Plan
An Exit Plan that brings stability and democracy to Iraq, brings our troops home immediately by replacing them with a coalition from Russia, China, France etc., none of whom are as hated as the “demon/Satan” Americans.
All we have to do to get these countries to take over the reconstruction of Iraq is give them back the oil leases Bush stole from them when Bush invaded. (Russia had the West Qurnah oil field, China had the Rumaylah Reserve, and France had two of Iraq’s largest fields, the Majnoon and Nahr Bin Omar.)
For these countries, or any country to send their people and taxpayers’ money into Iraq to protect Halliburton and friends’ oil would be insane. Give the Iraqis the oil to give back to these major powers as they see fit, get the intensely hated Americans out who are seen in the same light as the Nazi occupiers of France, Belgium, etc., and the major powers will rush to take over and get the oil, allowing our troops to come home immediately.