All is not lost. This is the good news. All is not dire and hopeless and warmongering and sexless and Bush. I know, it's amazing, but it's true. You see, bright spots exist. Radiant spots. Glimmers of possibility and progress, deep pools of hope and moan and yum. We have but to look. And yearn.
Like, right here. Here is a mini-phenomenon, happening right before our eyes. It is this: Amazon.com is selling sex toys. A lot of sex toys. More than you knew it would ever dare sell and more than you even knew were being manufactured in the world today and a more advanced and varied selection than you probably imagined they could ever get away with.
And what's more, Amazon has added this array of delicious adult goods quietly, effortlessly, with zero fanfare and zero marketing and zero apparent intolerant outcry (so far as I know) from the right-wing Christian sex tormenters, and with absolutely no children anywhere in the nation spontaneously combusting or being struck by lightning and/or converting to wanton paganism (yet) by viewing any of these items (which they easily can) --
which, as we all know, is just fabulously encouraging and good.
Have you seen? Did you know? Let us look closer. Because it is not a small selection. This is no trifling thing. Amazon's sex-toy department is simply a huge portion of the site's Health and Personal Care area. The "Sex and Sensuality" section of the site contains a staggering 37,000 items, with the Sexual Enhancers (that's the toys, baby) subsection alone offering up a whopping 4,863 items -- enough to satisfy an entire repressed evangelical congregation and terrify Alabama and make Lynne Cheney swoon and still have plenty left over for a long weekend with the entire cast of "Hot Teen Slut Nurses IV."
much more>>>>>>
http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2005/08/19/DDGC2E9B791.DTLon edit: a simple search at amazon takes one here: