Edited on Sat Aug-20-05 08:48 PM by LynzM
(And this will make a lot of extra fields that you may not want around taking up space... but if that's not a worry)
Set a maximum. Create that many boxes, and have them 'hide' each time the form loads or a new record is created. (.visible = false, I think. Been a while) Enable each one to be visible as applicable, naming each box something you could iterate through in a loop... (txtBox1, txtBox2,etc.) so that you could plug the loop variable value into part of the textbox name. (or write a really big If/then chunk of code to enable the correct number of boxes to be visible).
Clunky, but would work in a pinch if you don't get any better ideas. Also would be easier to set up the table to base the form on, if the number of fields isn't dynamic, just the number used...