In Case this hasn't been posted:
What Fox News Channel Would Have Done to Rosa Parks
The conservative attack machine is in high gear in the efforts to tear Cindy down.
That made me think of how it would have been in the Civil Rights era if Fox News
and the rest of the gang were around back then.
O’Reilly: “Rosa Parks claims she speaks for all of the African-Americans in the South,
but in fact, we have found two African-Americans who say they disagree with her.
Hannity: “Coming up next, the incredible story of how this woman might be deceiving the whole country!”
Pigboy: “Rosa Parks sat in the front of the bus, ...she sat in the back of the bus! Ah ha! A flip-flopper!"
Hannity: “Rosa Parks has turned this whole so-called civil rights issue into a public circus. We have information that Ted Kennedy might have put her up to this. That amazing story when we come back!”
Colmes: “You’re right, Sean. I’m sorry.”
( I just love the Colmes line. :) )