In January of this year, my beautiful Siamese cat was suffering horribly from kidney disease. The vet had tried everything and he had not eaten for so long that he could not even stand. I was having to force feed him. One night, he lost all of his body functions and I was sure that he was gone. He stopped breathing for about three minutes and then slowly started breathing. The day before that, the Vet sent him home to die peacefully so he could be surrounded by the love that he lived with for so long and returned so eagerly.
Almost 24 hours after this happened, he started to rapidly improve. I was eating some soup, which had herbs in it, and I left the room to make a phone call. When I came back in the room, the cat had gotten up on his own for the first time in days, and was ravenously drinking the soup. He became frisky and improved rapidly. He was obviously feeling better. Just 24 hours before, he was dead. I don't know if this was a miracle, the medicine,or just my pure and undying love for him, but he got better. Now, he is acting like a kitten for the first time in years. He is 15 years old, and he is jumping on high shelves, chasing his tail, and enjoying his new life.
Thinking of this gives me hope that the recent tragedy in my family is not an automatic death sentance. If a creature can come back from death, a person could also have the chance to survive cancer.