I posted this because I know how much Creed is loved (snicker) by the people of DU. This guy is a complete loser.
http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/index.php/Scott_Stapp_punkedScott Stapp, former lead singer of the pseudo-Christian torture factory that was Creed, provides an object lesson in how to fuck your C-level celebrityhood beyond all recognition. Short Story (clean version): Scott Stapp gets tossed off a plane and an airport lounge for being an obnoxious drunk, hits on a girl at the airport bar, who gives him a friend's phone number, and then his sister drives him all over Florida for an ill-fated booty call.
This amazing journey takes them to a Gainesville, Florida Denny's, whereupon he is viciously mocked by his adoring fans. http://www.livejournal.com/users/tomluv/13923.html The story becomes incandescent with delicious detail at this point. The Lexapro, the coke-fuelled pussy hunt, getting robbed by an LJ troll, and having his girlfriend's receipts for boob jobs stolen. Oh, and Mr. Stapp wandering around in his underwear claiming that cocaine 'makes him horny'. I almost feel sorry for the guy. Until I actually listen to his repetitive, droning 'music'.