Uh. It's DAMN provocative and I don't mean for all the nakedness Jossie-boy likes to sprinkle in.
The episode where they rob from the hospital in order to get medicines to the poor speaks LESS of morality than a star trek episode?!?!
The episode where Mal deliberately breaks a pact with a corporate congolomerate in the name of ethics and morality (and then the follow-up episode which is as gritty as they come, wowzers...)
How about the episode that puts a positive spin on prostitution, no less?! I couldn't believe ANYBODY could write a story to make prostitution look the more favorable, and he did it. And what he compared it to was BRILLIANT. Quite the eye-opener...
Star trek couldn't even BEGIN to do stuff like that. !!!
"Firefly" is what "Blake's 7" could have been had B7 been made 20 years later (though B7 itself is still way-cooler than Star Trek because it sticks to one concept and flowers around it. Trek goes from episode to episode, with societal parallel after another and in the most preachy of ways... apart from the original 1960s series; the only one I can actually RESPECT... ugh.)
FOX HATED the show from the start and showed the episodes seriously out of order. FOX hated it because of the storylines, which were not just thoughtful and thought provoking, but because they were ANTI-ESTABLISHMENT. Even Star Trek presents itself as a FUTURE ESTABLISHMENT and, therefore, took a cop-out.
Firefly is easily the best American sci-fi show of the 21st century, to date. Nothing even begins to compare in terms of multi-dimensional characters and complex plotlines. (even the new BSG took the effects-style that Firefly PIONEERED. And then over-used them too because BSG would be utterly empty without the f/x style.)