lover #1:
"Y'all are such full of BULL SHIT!!! The only thing you have against a H2 is you can't afford it and so therefore you have to get out there with your liberal views and try to sway everyone's oppinion. Liberals are seriously what is fucking up the enviroment. It's ridiculous that you would even attempt to blame President Bush for people buying Hummers. Your thoughts and views are so far out there, anyone who believes you is obviously a bigger idiot than you are."
Hummer lover #2:
"Hey, in reference to my 1st comment on this IGNORANT--and can't stress that "word" enough, Site?? Well,I said that I would be back and I am--that is probably more of a statement than 90% of your "Complainers" can even say! The shame of all of the "people" who have so much negativity to say about the H2 either are just totally jealous, or can't make enough money to afford one, two or more! Maybe these "people" should not have "Partied" so much in College, if they ever went to college?--or maybe most of them have made a career working at places such as McDonalds-etc. Unfortunately for them they will never experience the rewards that life has to offer, if you truly work for your money and enjoy the hard earned rewards that you acheive with that mindset. Out of the ordinary expensive vehicles have been around ever since there were vehicles built, the "FEW" that could afford them at those early times and throughout the present were ALLWAYS ENVIED! To make the truth of this story short---Don't be Jealous/Envious/Pissed-Off/or any other negative reason you can think of, to be upset- because someone has more than you might. Except what you have earned throughout your life, whether it may be plentiful or a lesser life, ROLL-ON!!! If you need to get Pissed at something, start at your own cities/counties politics!!! And by the way--Fuck you ALL!! That are Jealous of a Vehicle--Period!!!! Jack @!!!!"
Hummer lover #3:
"yeah, i just wanted to say that i immeadiatly hated this site when i saw the name of it, who ever made this is a total dumbass! you either are too much of a cheap ass to afford an H2 or your one of those weirdo tree huggers. i really wish someone would give you the driections to the nut house, cause you certainly are one to say the least. now that i've thought over it i was right, your too damn cheap to buy a nice ride and and have some class. (which clearly you have none of). i dont have much else to say cause your not much worth the time, but just a last word of advice, if you ever are in front of an H2 and we know its you, move your ass out of the way! cause by God we're gonna flatten you and the peice of shit we can imagine someone like you would be driving, thanks, have a nice day, but watch your ass! Sincerely, any H2 driver. your can find!"