the money in savings will likely be decimated by inflation... you know, the kind where it takes a wheelbarrow full of bills to buy a loaf of bread.
The GOOD news should be that the thousands of dollars in credit card debt we're all carrying will also seem smaller, provided income somehow manages to keep up with inflation.
But I think the reality is that if the economy crashes, it's going to be fucking anarchy and the survivalists will be proven right. I doubt life will be worth living at that point anyway, so I'm not losing too much sleep over liquidating my IRA before the crash.
The other GOOD news is that, despite the rise of China and our deficits, we do still drive a huge chunk of the world economy, and I think we'll be allowed to spend ourselves into debt for at least another 30-40 years before the rest of the world pulls the rug out from under us. If they wipe us out SOONER, they can't get more money out of us. If they drag it out, then we essentially become wage slaves to the Chinese and the few US aristocrats, like the Walton family, who are making money on both ends and thrive on poverty.
Check out the film The Trigger Effect for a taste of it. Or Soylent Green for that matter.