Owned a dog. But he had it penned up by the side of the house (the side that my bedroom window overlooks). My neighbor never played with the dog, never took it for walks, never allowed it inside the more spacious backyard. Oh, he kept it fed and watered and cleaned up after the dog, but never played with it. As a result, the dog barked at anything and everything that moved, mostly out of lonliness. I felt bad for the dog. Especially in bad weather. The neighbor had no shelter for the dog out there. No dog house. When it rained or snowed, the dog would rub his nails on the side door and whine untill someone opened the door to let him in. One time I heard the dog whine and bark in a strange way even though it was a very nice day. I looked out my bedroom window and noticed that the dog had somehow gotten his leash hooked on a part of the fence and was slowly strangling to death (no doubt he got into that position when he was barking at someone). I threw my clothes on, raced downstairs and outside, and went straight to the dog to try to get him off the fence but whenever I moved my hands near his head to try to unhook his leash from the fence, he barked at me ferociously. Though the dog barking at me was out of sheer fright, I have no doubt that he would have bitten off my hands. So I went to the dog owners front door, rang their bell to let them know that their dog was hanging on the fence, being slowly strangled by his own leash. They got him off the fence and never put a leash on him again. But as usual, they never played with the dog or let him in the house, except in bad weather.
Then my neighbor sold his house and moved away. This new neighbor had TWO dogs, and penned it by the same spot where the previous owner penned up his! And JUST LIKE the previous owner, he never interacted with his dogs. Feeds them, cleans up after them, but rarely if ever plays with them. And these dogs bred a couple more dogs. Thankfully this one has a few dog houses built out there, BUT he exapnded his house which took away some of whatever little room the dogs had to roam around there. So now I've got several dogs under my window barking at everything and anything that moves.
And to top it all off, I've got 4 cats dumped on me by people who decided they didnt want them anymore (which have cost me thousands in vet bills over the years). Two dumped on me by my sister. It seems that she cant say no when someone dumps a cat on her. Then days later she decides that she doesnt want a cat to take care of, dumps it5 on me. Then turns around and gets another cat dumped on her by another "friend". Then AGAIN decides that she too doesnt want a cat and dumps it on me again. (I havent got the heart to dump these cats in a shelter or anywhere else. So I wind up adopting them)