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Company Invents Puppy Contraceptives

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matcom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-26-05 07:28 AM
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Company Invents Puppy Contraceptives

IT'S the Australian way: when the cute little puppy gets to an age where he's starting to growl and sniff at other dogs, it's a trip to the vet, a lift of the tail, and snip! Problem solved.

But an Australian company has invented a contraceptive for dogs that lets Rover avoid the traumatic trip to the vet and that empty feeling of missing something vital.

The Peptech-developed product involves placing a small pellet under the skin between the dog's shoulders. This sends a signal to the brain that stops the supply of testosterone to the testicles.

Result: a dog with no sex drive but everything still intact. The pellet lasts six months but owners can reverse the operation if they want their dog to breed.

Veterinarian Katie Yeates from Peptech said the contraceptive, already in use overseas, had now been cleared for Australia.

"Some people - and it's fair to say a lot of them are men - don't like the idea of castrating their dogs," she said.

The lack of testosterone, as well as preventing dogs from chasing the females, also means they are less aggressive and less likely to roam.

Only a vet can insert the device, in an operation similar to that used to implant identification microchips.,10117,16387892-13762,00.html
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Spinzonner Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-26-05 07:36 AM
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