Well-here we go again--Hurricane seasons here-
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Fri Aug-26-05 02:25 PM
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Well-here we go again--Hurricane seasons here- |
Looks like we -just below Tampa-are going to miss the hit this time. So sorry for the rest of the gulf area, hope the tourists dont stop traveling down here, we enjoy the visitors. Katrina is going to hit the riveria it seems.
RubyDuby in GA
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Fri Aug-26-05 02:32 PM
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1. I'm always sorry for the areas that take direct hits, but I'm sick to |
death of all the rain we get from every single one of the systems that comes up. We've had enough rain this summer to float a damn ark. I'm so sick of the rain I could spit and after my surgery last week, it hurts to spit, but here comes more rain for us early next week.
Damn rain! I'd like a good drought please. Things would be back to normal then........
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:14 PM
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