My wife and I have a rule where we alternate who picks the movie we go to.
I am now realizing there is a fair amount of gamesmanship involved in this.
What is important, is if there is a movie we BOTH want to see, to get her to use HER pick on it, so that it's like 2 picks in a row for ME. If she is running through the list of acceptable movies for HER pick, I try not to let on what movie I actually want to see, so that she might use her pick to choose MY movie.
She never does though. It was her pick this weekend and she went through a whole LIST of movies and never mentioned the one movie I MOST wanted to see, which only happened to be the number one movie nationally 2 weeks running! (We saw it the next day on MY pick).
What's worse is, if we used her pick to see a movie we both wanted to see, she claims that I manipulated her into using MY pick, and therefore I've used two picks in a row, and she gets two picks now!
There's NO REASONING with the woman!! :banghead: