From May 5th to July 9th of this year, I did this looooong ass route, 120 MILES TOTAL, delivering the Okeechobee News. Now, kids, trust me, you are better off selling freakin CRACK ROCK than doing this crap job! Highlights of this gig, you ask? Splendid! 1. Getting bitten by a mosquitoe the size of a gold ball and ending up violently ill from it. 2. Nothing spells fun like a 12 FOOT GATOR blocking most of the road! 3. Moron subscribers bitching and moaning that they paper was not put in the goddamn stupid tube properly, boo hoo hoo! 4. The asshats couldn't even roll the damn papers for us! WE had to roll this shit THEN go do our routes! I mean, hello! I'm only got 120! EVERY DAMN NIGHT! Can we speed this up a TAD? 5. Getting stuck in 4 feet of sugar sand. That's one short cut I sure as shit ain't taking ever again! 6. Getting stuck in a ditch when trying to back into someone's drive way to make a u-turn. Oh the fun just never stops! 7. Having 5 axled semis doing 90 and stopping FOR NOTHING while you try to find and/or do your turn! Safety first!
I could go on and on and on how much this job sucked horse ass. And mind you, I USED TO WORK IN FUCKING RETAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!