To: shadowman99
These people aren't looters, they are now officially domestic terrorists. Shoot to kill.
5 posted on 09/01/2005 5:42:54 AM PDT by Sisku Hanne (Deprogramming the left, one truth at a time.)
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To: shadowman99
Kill them all. Everyone looting or being a thug.
42 posted on 09/01/2005 5:53:36 AM PDT by HereInTheHeartland (The Democrat party is the official party of the Morlocks.)
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To: Lobbyist
OK. Why didn't the demo elected officials see this coming? The governor is in the middle of a nervous breakdown - who knows where the mayor is hiding out at. Their voter base has taken less than 24 hours after the eye passed to begin this urban warfare. OK, fence it off and let 'em have New Orleans. All we need is the Super Port and the surrounding refineries.
68 posted on 09/01/2005 5:59:21 AM PDT by daybreakcoming (May God bless those who enter the valley of the shadow of death so that we may see the light of day.)
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To: shadowman99
These are the same people who for GENERATIONS (THANKS LIBERALS!)have been living off of YOUR TAX DOLLARS. And it's YOUR FAULT they are poor. YOU make them steal, YOU make them kill, YOU make them druggies, etc. EVERYTHING they do wrong is YOUR FAULT.
74 posted on 09/01/2005 6:01:08 AM PDT by kcvl
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To: shadowman99
Ah yes...the "gangstah"/thug culture run wild. Ain't it wonderful? The MSM will surely elevate them to victim/celebrity status. It says something about the society we live in when people gravitate to, and even aspire to be low life criminal scum. These criminals deserve the cesspool they're wading in and living in, and all the suffering that follows. They should have been shot dead yesterday.
@#$k it...what little compassion I had for the criminal/thug element here is gone. It has given me pause about what I should prepare for if a disaster event would take place in or close to an urban area. I'm sitting here wondering where the FReepers are that were OK with looting food and water. Where are the "I'd steal the food to make sure that my children eat" folks? I mean cmon! A hostage situation at a hospital yesterday?...shooting at people trying to provide relief?
Where are those Freepers now? Wake up to freaking reality.
97 posted on 09/01/2005 6:06:59 AM PDT by BureaucratusMaximus (The function of socialism is to raise suffering to a higher level.)
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To: CajunConservative
It is up to us to highlight the fact that *this* is the results of decades of Liberal Leadership. Generations of welfare has lead to anarchy, pandemonium and unnecessary loss of life.
Bears repeating.
120 posted on 09/01/2005 6:12:10 AM PDT by Quilla
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To: johnny7
if i were in new Orleans I knew how bad the situation was with all of these thugs ..would i damn right i would...first thing i would do was go to a super walmart...break in the gun rack..arm myself..create a citizen Militia of peaceful citizens and use the walmart as a base..then orderly hand out bottle water, chips, soda.medial supplies to anyone that needs it.. grab falshlight and batteries get a Militia will have one simple rule..any thugs you see causing trouble...shoot on site..if anyone is looting non-essential stuff like TV's bikes, cash etc.. from the walmart..shoot on site...I'm sure the walmarts roof could support a samll helicopter to transport any peaceful citizens that found there way to my base...
125 posted on 09/01/2005 6:13:22 AM PDT by janetjanet998
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To: Radix
Why would they do that?
Because they don't want to be "rescued" from New Orleans. The looting is too lucrative.
I think I'm gonna barf. All my sympathy for New Orleans is rapidly dissipating.
129 posted on 09/01/2005 6:14:30 AM PDT by saquin
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To: ClarenceThomasfan
iT IS VERY POSSIBLE THAT THIS IS THE WORK OF A SLEEPER CELL. I am the first one to recognize how God Awful the Democrat base of New Orleans is, but even I am not prepared to believe that they are shooting at military and rescue helicopters.
139 posted on 09/01/2005 6:16:17 AM PDT by faithincowboys
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To: shadowman99
The Islamic fanatics are hooping it up.
My tax dollars have supported these welfare groupies for decades.
I have no sympathy for these people--I have sympathy for myself and all taxpayers who are forced to support these thugs.
143 posted on 09/01/2005 6:17:51 AM PDT by Dont_Tread_On_Me_888 (Bush's #1 priority Africa. #2 priority appease Fox and Mexico . . . USA priority #64.)
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To: doc30
Why fix the city? Because these vermin are not "the city." They are from the slums of the city--and I might add, all cities have slums, and the types of people now running amuck in New Orleans. Just be thankful YOU haven't had a disaster, else you'd be fighting YOUR version of this outrage. Then, just to top things off, you'd have to be fighting idiots like people on Free Republic who (a) insist the looting should be allowed since they are "suffering" and (b) want to bulldoze the city down because of the very few who are rotten to the core.
148 posted on 09/01/2005 6:19:03 AM PDT by MizSterious (Now, if only we could convince them all to put on their bomb-vests and meet in Mecca...)
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To: daybreakcoming
They saw it coming, this is their voting base.
150 posted on 09/01/2005 6:19:44 AM PDT by CajunConservative (Southwest Louisiana)
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all from 1 thread, not even half of the thread either