My neighbor's daughter heard I was going to Mississippi tomorrow. She's eighteen. She gave me a 100 dollar check, with instructions to only give it to poor people. Just before that, her mother and stepfather and friend, all from Arkansas, were slamming Bush and all other Republicans. She said she was from a Republican family, though she has never liked Bush (her father knows Clinton), but after watching New Orleans, she would never vote Republican again. Her husband came out and said much the same thing. He literally watches NASCAR, has a Confederate flag in his garage, and uses the N word without a moment's thought. He's a very vocal white separatist (not a white supremacist, if you understand the difference). He said he watched the video of the man in Mississippi whose wife told him to let her go and save the kids, and had to leave the room. He choked up talking about it. They are not only donating money, but pushing others to do it.
I was in Costco tonight buying water and food to bring to my parents in Mississippi. This is in Austin. They had pallets at the front entrance stacked higher than me with food and water people were donating to the hurricane victims. I filled my cart up with water and canned goods and other stuff my parents had requested, plus stuff to pass around, and was wandering the aisles, when I noticed that every third basket, at least, was full of water and canned foods. It was crowded, too. Checkout lines were jammed. It looked like a Saturday there were so many people there.
One woman stopped me and asked where I'd gotten something, and I mentioned her cart full of water. She was buying it for the survivors, she said, but had no idea how to get it to them. She said she and her daughter were just planning to drive to San Antonio and look for shelters. When she left another woman/daughter pair passed, and they were talking about the Astrodome, and pushing their cart of water.
I left almost in tears. Bush is not good enough to even live in this nation. I only hope Americans are starting to understand that.