She works for an answering service and they answer for the local Red Cross. She said over the past week, their phones (meaning, the REd Cross phones) have been ringing off the hook.
National REd Cross contacted her boss yesterday and asked if he could get extra workers in to take the calls. He said of course.
So my mom and about 20 other employees are working their regular day shifts today (or in my mom's case, overnight shift last night) and then coming back in at 5 today to work until the phone stop ringing.
Her boss offered everyone their regular pay (or OT if applicable) plus a bonus of .10 per call each operator took.
My mom is going to tell her boss to take the pay she would have earned plus her .10 bonus and donate it to the REd Cross.
My husband also works for the Red Cross, but in blood services and not disaster relief. HE said that people have been busting down the doors to donate blood this week. As of YESTERDAY (Sept 01), his local office had already reached its blood goals for the entire MONTH of september!