check this filth out:
To: All HERE, HERE, HERE. WE WANT THIS, WE WANT THAT. Rumor has it that over 80% of the 'evacuees' are on welfare. They are totally used to getting what they want, when they want and as much as they want due to the liberal democratic way of caring for people called cradle to grave. It's a wonder any of these people can even feed themselves without government assistance. 'Poor' people in the United States are 180 degrees different than 'poor' people from other countries. 'Poor' people in the United States have a roof over their heads, televisions with cable or satellite access. Most have at least one car, refrigerators, beds to sleep in and up top of that, they receive their monthly 'salary' from the government called welfare and child assistance and whatever the libs can think of to control the low income people of the richest nation in the world.
There are ways to cure such dependence on the government. Cut their welfare checks out and only provide for the disabled and aged. Make every "EVERY" person from the age of 18 to 65 work. Even it's just picking up trash alongside the highways and roads. There are thousands of vacant lots, community parks and other public access regions in every town and city that need to be kept up. Give the people something to be responsible for and take pride in. As for the disabled and aged, I have no problem taking care of them for the rest of their lives. The main burr under my saddle are all the women who have child after child and getting more money for each of them children. Find out who all the dads are for these kids and make them get fixed. Taking one link out of the chain will end the problem.
As long as there are government programs to 'help' the poor, there will be people who will exploit the programs. The politicians are the biggest problems. Both parties have their 'pork' projects. When a politician tries to pass a law, a thousand different 'pork' projects leach onto it and making it pass through easier. The President needs to have a line item veto option to drop off the crap trailing the amendments.
As I step off my soapbox, I hope I have not offended anyone. It sure did make me feel a little better letting some steam off. A.U.
22 posted on 09/02/2005 7:19:38 PM PDT by antiunion person (CLOSE the borders, both Canadian and Mexican for our safety.) < Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies >