Edited on Fri Sep-02-05 11:50 PM by Liberal Veteran
I am mortified not only that so many Americans allowed themselves to buy into the false promises of the republican party and its sham compassionate conservatism and its sham Christianity that seems to have nothing to do with charity and love and hope and goodwill toward others, even those who are different.
I am angry at the democratic leaders who haven't had the spine to stand up to this.
There are so many failures on different levels and even within myself, that when I turn on the TV, I see the rage of Caliban at seeing his own face in the glass.
And I take no pleasure in the implosion of the false promises of the right wing. I see only the shortcomings of a nation so worried about their own personal well-being, they forgot that civilization isn't a group of individuals all trying to get ahead for themselves, but a group of people working toward the greater good of everyone in the society.
And I am angry at the lessons we should have learned long ago, that our "society" refuses to acknowledge. Racism, poverty, education, health care, infrastructure....the total apathy toward those things has blown up in our faces like a social atom bomb.
Now I feel impotent to change things. How do we turn the tide back and rectify the mistakes our country has made?