Before that, of course, I was unhappy with Bush and Republicans etc, but the run up to the Iraq war really jerked my chain. I've progressively have gotten angrier and angrier at how regular people get short-changed in this country. Not to mention how badly women, minorities and the poor get hosed regularly. After the 2004 election, I was depressed for months. Really, pretty much almost the whole year.
I became so fed up that I decided last June to move back to MT and run for an open State Senate seat. Because I'm sick of all this bullshit and how politicians are ruining our country. I've been pissed for a while, mainly fed up, but this week, especially tonight, reading all the accounts and everything.
This Katrina business has me livid. Of all the chickenshit, no account, low down, rotten stunts to pull. This administration, specifically, and the Republican party as a whole, do not give a shit about anything good and true in this world. Some may, and God Bless them, but seeing pics - I don't watch news, I read nearly everything - and reading accounts of the suffering of the people in NO, just kills me. Knowing that they are black and poor has me incensed. I cannot comprehend it. Maybe because I am -like most DUers - a compassionate person, I empathize with suffering more than most, I don't know. Maybe I'm just looking for something to get pissed off at Republicans for. But, I know, that in the midst of an election, in the rich white areas of Florida that was hit by several hurricanes, nothing like this happened. I know that while NO slept and awaited the fury of hell, this administration thought it more pertinent to attack a grieving Gold Star mother who disagreed with a disastrous optional war that had sketchy motives at best.
And, I don't understand it. It makes me sad. It pisses me off. It makes me want to do something. I felt hollow giving 5 dollars to the Red Cross, as I'm a student from an Indian reservation on the other side of the country surviving on my own. I wanted to give more.
I want to give my heart and soul.
I want to rid myself of this anger.
I want the world to be just. To be fair. To be happy.
I can understand anger. As I said, I feel it. I can sometimes understand hatred.
I will never understand indifference. I will never understand the lack of emotion. Empathy. Love. Compassion.
Jesus Christ used to embrace those who were different. Those who were poor. Those who had sinned. It wasn't enough to tolerate. It wasn't enough to not hate. You had to embrace and love.
I see too little of that. The cold and the callous are mysteries to me. I cannot comprehend being like that. Preaching morality out of one side of their mouths then barely batting an eye at death.
And if you are not religious, then surely you identify with morality. With secular humanism. And, you weep with as much pain as I do. I recognize that. So this isn't about faith. It's about love and compassion. About right and wrong. About good and evil. About empathy and indifference. Ignorance and knowledge.
How can this happen in America?
Well, photo ops and flag-waving don't cut it when the shit hits the fan. Saying Jesus Christ is your favorite philosopher so you can gain a few votes doesn't do the job when thousands of people are dying in terrorist attacks, unnecessary wars, and hurricanes. Feigned righteousness doesn't mean a thing when nearly 45 million people have no health care and live in poverty. In the richest country in the world, there is no excuse to cut millions in funding from NO which was slotted to specifically fund hurricane and flood projects.
There is just no excuse. Spin it all you want. I don't care. I'm not just fed up anymore.
I'm pissed.
And, I plan to make lots of others pissed about this too.
Because right now, we all should be.