Why are my neighbours torturing me?
yvr girl
(1000+ posts)
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Sun Sep-04-05 11:34 AM
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Why are my neighbours torturing me? |
Pancakes, bacon - it all smells so good.
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Sun Sep-04-05 12:17 PM
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1. Show up at their door with an oversized napkin tied around your neck, |
Edited on Sun Sep-04-05 12:18 PM by miss_kitty
a fork clutched in one fist and a knife clutched in the other. Lick your lips when they open the door. Tell them "I was just passing. What smells so good?" That'll learn 'em to cook good smelling stuff when you're around.
yvr girl
(1000+ posts)
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Sun Sep-04-05 12:26 PM
Response to Reply #1 |
2. I wouldn't have the balls to do that since |
I don't know their names.
...not that I have balls...but you know what I mean.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:26 PM
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