I spent the day on line going thru help wanted ads, you know, jobfind.com, monster etc and the rest of my day on DU, getting majorly upset and raging mad. (majorly?) I'm 63 years old and because this retirement thing just isn't working, I've got to go back to work. Social security just won't stretch far enough to cover my health insurance policy, let alone anything else. Here's what I've decided. If i'm lucky enough to live until 2008, why don't I run for President. Maybe if I adopt some old time religion, find smart advisers and be real folksy, some poor misguided Americans will vote me into office. Let me tell you this, as old as I am, I could do one hell of a better job of running this ship of state. Half the time I can't remember where I left my glasses or what I ate for breakfast but I don't think that is important. I will "Work hard" as long as I can have an adequate vacation, go to bed early, sleep late, have all my meals delivered to me and of course, take a good mid-day nap. I know this is the job for me and I need your vote. Now, where do I start this thing. I don't have anyone in the family who went to Yale or that has lots of $$$. What the heck, I have several years to figure it out. If I make it, do I have your vote?