Edited on Tue Sep-06-05 09:21 PM by Liberalynn
She's always looking for a tummy rub. She likes to look out the window for most of the day and bark at the bicycles and joggers on the road. I think she thinks this is her job.
She also puts herself to "bed" the minute she sees Mom or I start to turn of the lights or the computer, and you can't say the word "bed "or she runs to her crate and hops in.
We take three walks a day in the field out behind our house and she likes to chase the butterflies. I have a twenty foot lead for her so she can run and I don't have too. LOL. The trainer suggested that.
Maxie won't go upstairs though in our house. She flies up and down the steps to go in and out of the house, and the steps at my sisters house but when we've tried to get her to go upstairs in our house, she will only stand on the first step, then quickly runs into another room. If I go upstairs to get something she often waits at the bottom of the steps but will not follow me even though she follows me everywhere else. It's wierd.