I'm still shook up. Got rear-ended this morning. A young gentleman was riding a motor cycle (small) and rear-ended me. He was driving too fast. He must have seen the light turn green, and must have thought the traffic was flowing already, but it wasn't and he couldn't stop. He tried to drive between my car and one in the right lane, hit my left bumper and fell and skidded in front of a car in the right lane. THANK GOODNESS that driver caught a glimpse of what was happening and stopped otherwise she would have run that poor guy over. The young man is okay, but when I saw his bike fall and him along w/bike skid across the pavement my heart just stopped. He's okay, got up right away, but I suspect a little shook up too. I kept on telling him that I'm glad he's alright, and he kept on apologizing. When I finally got to leave, I again reiterated that I was glad he's okay, and he again apologized.
Needless to say, I'm having a hard time concentrating. Could end up to be just a wasted brain day.