I say things like "here" and "I have a student ID for my discount." For anyone who knows Illustration history I tended bar at the Society of Illustrators right next to Marshall Arisman and below the big band drum that the golden age illustrators all signed from 1901 to the 40s. I mean I was pouring drinks for the faculty right next to an original Maxfield Parish painting and a huge Norman Rockwell. The memory of that will go with me to my grave. It was insanity!
Anyway. I'm back in t he internet swing and can't wait to update you on the progress of the year. To say that I'm excited is such an understatement.
I've met the other 18 people in my class and have already developed some friendships. There are more international students than Americans. 1 from Poland, Israel, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, France and the girl from India (originally Nepal) is the first ever Fullbright Scholarship award winner in illustration ever from India.
Anyway, I want to thank you all for your support all during the application and waitinglist process. Your help was huge for me.
Well, I have drawing class at noon so I'll hang about and practice my Lounge jackassery for the hour. I'm a little rusty.