the haLftime show was a march/parade of the nationaL guard (compLete with fLags, god bLess america, and we need voLunteers!). behind the guard was about 100 new 'recruits' - teenagers, who had signed up.
peopLe were going nuts, and cLapping and such.
they marched the kids out to midfieLd, where they made them take the oath.
the kids raised their right hands, and the guard Leader/spokesperson began:
"i, state your name" and most of the stadium yeLLed out, "i, state your name" aLa animaL house... which caused me to doubLe over in Laughter...
yada, yada, yada...
"i pLedge my LoyaLty and obedience to the president".... and most of the crowd erupted in boos, at the mention of the president. :) you couLdn't even hear the next few Lines, because the din of boos was so Loud.
a guy sitting nearby threw a fit about - yeLLing, "don't boo! don't boo! how dare you boo! shut up!" but the pLace just had a nice Long boo. it warmed my heart.
the crowd was cheering wiLdLy for the guard and these poor kids, who just enListed for sLaughter, but as soon as the president was mentioned, it may as weLL have been the raiders mentioned. shit, the raiders weren't booed as LoudLy. :)
after, the oath, the kids were marched off the fieLd. on their way in, they were rather sLoppy Looking, and not in formation. as soon as that oath was finished, guardsmen were in their faces screaming and shit, and i suppose trying to get them to march in a more orderLy fashion, etc.
as they were marching off the fieLd, the guy who threw a fit about the boos stood up and started yeLLing and threatening everyone in my section to stand up. i Laughed at him, and hoped he'd Lunge the 2 seats over so i couLd have him thrown out. :P
in my section, maybe 10% gave the standing o at the guys prompting (incLuding my crippLed mom). that enraged him further, and he turned bright red, as screamed over, and over, "stand up! stand up! how dare you!?"
that warmed my heart. granted, this is a LiberaL state, your average crowd at the game is the kind that usuaLLy goes beserk at the mention of bush.