I was just out having a cig and finishing a beer on the front stoop of my apt, when a small black cat comes out of the brush across from my door. Now, stray cats are a common occurrence where I live (particular since I live near the complex dumpster). But they have always been very weary of humans. This one ran up to me all of a sudden which kinda freaked me out. I decided to go inside and get some small pieces of leftover chicken from dinner. I put it out there with some water and went back inside to see if would eat from the window. It ran up to the food and started to eat. I open the door to get a better look and it bolted at my door. I began to shut it b/c I don't need a stray cat in the apartment. Before I closed it all the way, it shot its paw through the crack and I had to stop before I crushed it. I opened it back up and it was sitting right there. I tried to "shoo" it away but it kept trying to come in. I had to spray some air freshener at it (don't worry, it wasn't an irritant. I checked the label beforehand) before it should run away. I have never had a stray cat act this way towards me. I've heard that sometime rabid animals can act overly affectionate and not fear humans at all. Should I be worried about this kitty.
BTW, it was probably 8 inches tall. I am a 6'2'' man. I feel a little embarrassed about fearing this kitty.