I close my eyes only for a moment,and the moments gone.
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Sat Sep-10-05 01:21 AM
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I close my eyes only for a moment,and the moments gone. |
All I see,dust before my eyes,a curiosity.
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Sat Sep-10-05 03:40 AM
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all we are is dust in the wind...
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Sat Sep-10-05 08:21 AM
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2. Thanks for the earworm... |
...Gonna have that song stuck for hours! :grr: HeeHee... :rofl: just kidding!
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Sat Sep-10-05 11:27 AM
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all the time. Oops--there goes another one---Oops--there goes another one---Oops--there goes another one---Opps............................
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Sat Sep-10-05 11:34 AM
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4. That's being used in an SUV ad |
and a cereal ad. It is a constant earworm. Thanks for bringing on when I'm NOT watching TV, ya bastard!
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:59 PM
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