And how drunk were you?
Here's mine: two nights ago, I came back from a party after thirteen beers. I can hold my alcohol quite well, so I was not completely shitfaced and was lucid enough to get on the right train and off at the right stop. I walked two and a half blocks to my dorm, went up to my room, brushed my teeth, changed, checked my e-mail, my Facebook messages, posted a drunken rant to DU, and went to sleep. This is all about 1:30 AM. Next thing I know, it's 4:30, and I'm being woken up by the security guard. I'm in the TV lounge, lying on the couch with no shirt on. I have some vague memories about wandering the hall, and being locked out of my room (I left my key in my drawer), as well as one (that was hopefully a dream), of going into the trash room and peeing into the empty recycling bin. I had to go down the front desk, clad only in the track pants I wear to bed, to get them to let me back in. Great night!
What's yours?