had been a stray, and was ALWAYS in search of food. ALWAYS.
When I had her (in my pre-repehensor days), I was working AND going to school full time, and she was always creating havoc while I was gone during the day. But she was so damned funny I couldn't help but love her.
One night, after I'd finally graduated, gotten a great job and moved into a cool old duplex in Dallas, I was in the process of getting settled in. My furniture had not made it up yet.
I decided I wanted some Greek, so went to Kosta's and got a mixed platter of various favorites.
The phone rang, so I walked across the room to answer. since it was my mom, I settled down for a second to let her know how things were going.
All of a sudden, I saw this flash of black and white, and there she goes, across the dining room floor, dragging a huge hunk of souvlaki behind her. I laughed my ass off.