Asperger's; being treated with Strattera. Have been since late May. While I did a lot more walking than usual, I also know the strattera had been a prime influence in my loss of weight.
I was recently given zoloft for anxiety/PTSD. It conflicted with the strattera big-time. I know this because, almost a year ago, I was on zoloft exclusively. It worked but made me a bit tired. In conjunction with the zoloft, I had RAPID heartbeat (100 sitting, 136 when walking merely 300 feet), nearly constant sweating, considerable irritability/anger, big-ass headache, and symptoms that were mistaken for VD (despite the fact there are MANY documented cases of stattera being the culprit for some very similar issues...) I was on zoloft for a week and every time I called they told me I had to stay on it for a month before it takes effect for my symptoms. (no frigging way. The damn stuff was KILLING me. Literally.)
Just because I'm taking a drug prescribed by the "mental health" industry doesn't mean I'm completely crackers or incompetent. That's why we have politicians... the stigma is, once you're pegged with something (true or not, and the aspoerger's is TRUE) they will generally not listen to you.
If I had died, I wonder what they would have used to shrug me off with...