that thread? A majority of the people who posted thought Kerry's actions were generous and genuine (he went with a planeload of supplies down to NOLA).
But, like every other Kerry thread, there are the people who think that all Democrats/politicians except Ralph Nader and Dennis Kucinich are EVIL BASTARDS and CANNOT BE TRUSTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Oh, no--Kerry's not allowed to be generous or genuine or care in any way about the survivors of Katrina. No, he must have a political motivation or some other hidden agenda.
I say to you that I am so FUCKING sick of the people who will bash Kerry/Gore/any unnamed Democrat that does not march in lockstep with their own beliefs, and then when confronted with the facts refuse to back down. GET OVER IT AND REALIZE THAT RALPH NADER IS NOT YOUR GODDAMN SAVIOR! WE HAVE A CRIMINAL IN THE FUCKING WHITE HOUSE WHO IS STRUTTING LIKE A FUCKING PEACOCK DOWN IN NOLA (AND HAS DONE NOTHING HIMSELF TO HELP THE VICTIMS) AND THE ONLY THING YOU CAN THINK TO DO IS SLIME THE EFFORTS OF PEOPLE WHO ARE GENUINELY TRYING TO HELP????????????
*deep breath*
All right, that's it. Flame away, I genuinely do not fucking care at this point. :rant:
EDIT: Is this the right place, mods? Should I have put this in GD?