From today's issue of the Tallahassee Democrat:
• If Tony Grippa is offended by signs like "Bad Ass Coffee" because if might influence children. Why isn't he just as offended by businesses with misspelled words? We don't want our children influenced by these, either.
• For years, stupid people have been underrepresented in government. It now appears we are making up for lost time.
• To the zinger who said "The people of New Orleans are a bunch of ungrateful whiners," please tell us what species you are, because you couldn't possibly be human.
• How many of the finger pointers on the left have done anything for the victims? :grr: :nuke:
• President Bush's approval rating has dipped below 40 percent. What took so long?
• Among the incredibly stupid things the Katrina rescue officials did was order that no pets could be taken out. If I had to choose between saving my dog or the FEMA director, "Brownie" would still be sitting on a rooftop.