Yesterday, I heard this noise outside, sounded like somebody was taking the trailer apart. I look outside and see two guys, and they have removed the lattice from one section of my trailer. (The lattice is what they use for skirting.)
I called the office and said "Would it be possible that something is being done to my house that I don't know about?" The manager replies "Oh, they're probably installing the water meter." I asked if we were being switched to city water (we're currently on a well). She says no, then asks "Didn't you get the notice?" Nope, sure didn't. (They slide newsletters into the mailboxes evry month..no postage. I can't figure out why the postman hasn't nailed them for this.
She claims that they put notices in everyone's mailbox two weeks ago that effective November 1, they will be charging for water. The park manager will be reading the meters. They're going to read the first month, but not charge people, so that we can see how much water we use.
I called a friend (liberallady here on DU) who also lives in the park and asked if she got the notice. Nope, she didn't know anything about it either. So, I'm thinking that they didn't notify anyone, and figure that once the meters are on, tough shit.
I picked up barely readable copies of the papers from the office. Every copy machine was running out of toner. They claim to have spent $150,000.00 in the last few years upgrading the system here in the park, and they have been absorbing the cost, but cannot continue to do so. One of the papers was what they had to send to the state to show that they notified residents. It says "Date mailed 9/8/05" on it. They didn't mail them. If they did anything, they illegally plaed them in our mailboxes.
Oh, and our water bills? They will taped to our front doors every month after the meter is read. Hope it doesn't rain that day!