advice for the sick.....
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Sat Sep-17-05 09:30 AM
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Poll question: advice for the sick..... |
how do you quickly heal from colds?
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Sat Sep-17-05 09:33 AM
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1. I take zinc lozenges as soon as I feel symptoms. |
For me at least, zinc reduces the length of the cold. :shrug:
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Sat Sep-17-05 09:37 AM
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Sat Sep-17-05 09:33 AM
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2. I try to use the power of my mind... |
I visualize my body attacking the foreign invaders, eradicating the germs and beginning to glow from within with the warmth of healing. Yeah. And I'm always fucking sick.
bertha katzenengel
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Sat Sep-17-05 09:39 AM
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4. I complain relentlessly. As a certified hypochondriac, it's the only way |
to go. :hi:
Hope you feel better soon, lib'itch. :hug:
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Sat Sep-17-05 09:49 AM
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5. No matter what I decide to actually do about this plague.... |
THAT will be part of the cure.
bertha katzenengel
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Sat Sep-17-05 10:13 AM
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Sat Sep-17-05 09:54 AM
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complain relentlessly, that goes without saying. ;)
Also drink tea with honey and lemon
This one sounds strange but works. Put Vicks in a pan of water, let it come to boil then put a towel over your head like a tent and breathe in the steam.
Make sure your hair or towel doesn't touch the burner of course. ;)
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Sat Sep-17-05 09:56 AM
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7. 15 drops of Grapefruit Seed Extract in Orange Juice ... |
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Sat Sep-17-05 10:08 AM
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8. Brandy, lemon juice, sugar and hot water. |
Very hot chicken curry, and lots of sleep.
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Sat Sep-17-05 10:45 AM
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10. I heard that if you medicate a cold, you can get rid of it in 7 days |
but if you don't medicate, it will last a week.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:57 PM
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