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Minneapolis Man Cited For Dancing In The Streets

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mac56 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-17-05 05:14 PM
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Minneapolis Man Cited For Dancing In The Streets

Talk about six degrees of Kevin Bacon. Remember the 1984 film Footloose where Bacon's character moves to a small town where dancing is outlawed?

Think that was just a movie? Think again.

A week ago, police ticketed a Minneapolis man for dancing in downtown streets.

According to Minneapolis Ordinance 427.240, "No person shall dance or engage or participate in any dancing upon any public street or highway in the City; and no person shall provide for, promote or conduct any dance or dancing upon any public street or highway in the City, except at a block party."


Minneapolis Police said the man who was cited for dancing was reportedly handing out free tickets to topless bars.

That wasn't illegal, but his alleged dancing was.
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