The Case of “Emily Rose”
The Exorcism of Emily Rose is based on the tragic case of a young German woman named Anneliese Michel, who in the early 1970s underwent an ordeal that eventually led to her death. The details of her case can be found in such Web article as “The Real Emily Rose” and “What Really Happened to Emily Rose?”. The controversy surrounding her illness, exorcism and death resulted in a sensational trial, all of which are part of the Emily Rose film. saw this movie last night and it inspired me to do a little research to see if anything in the movie truly held up to actual recorded events.
I will say the movie was really creepy and was well worth the admission. After reading this, I see how the filmakers cleverly manipulated the actual facts to make up their fiction and they obviously did their homework.
See the movie if you are in the mood for a great spine tingler!