Edited on Sun Sep-18-05 10:20 PM by Liberalynn
Lost a great deal in terms of entertainment. In terms of Emmy, however, I am just not sure. It brought a certain uniqueness to TV last season. It is being copied ad-nauseum now though so it will no longer be one of a kind. I don't think, however, it is the best show for in depth quailty work.
I think the best show was left out of the nominations. That is Nip/Tuck. It takes chances and there's nothing else quite like it on the air. It can be dramatic, funny, shocking, disturbing, intimate, and sensitive, all in the course of one episode. The characters are also three dimensional and you can't simply label them as good or bad, they have shades of grey.
But I guess the voters feel the network ABC deserved the nod, for at least trying something different so Kudos to Lost. Cable gets the love of the critics every day so I guess the networks need a little more encouragement if they are going to survive and compete.