Five years ago I was making twice what I make today. I'm an immigration lawyer. The Bush Administration has completely screwed up immigration law, renaming the INS the BCIS after which they named it the USCIS and removing it from the Justice Department and placing it into the Department of Homeland Security. The USCIS (formerly INS) has become completely sealed off from the public including attorneys. Under Clinton, it was possible to actually speak to a live person regarding cases on the telephone and get them to correct problems. Each INS Service Center (there are four in the country) had an ombudsman available by telephone to clear up problems such as lost files or clerical mistakes (of which there have always been many at the INS).
Now, it's impossible to speak to an immigration officer on the phone or go to a USCIS Service Center, even for an attorney and obtain any information. The Bush Administration has set up a national 1-800 number manned by individuals who only look at a computer screen and have no authority or knowledge. They give out more false and misleading information than the Internal Revenue Service.
And since most of my practice is in the Chinese community and the Bush Administration's policies have resulted in the diminution of Chinese scholars studying at major U.S. universities, the work of an immigration lawyer has not only diminished in the number of cases, but the work required on each case has dramatically increased. Next month, starting October 1st, the Bush Administration is placing a quota on Chinese immigration. That's turned it into a nightmare, as everyone is trying to file at the last minute for their green cards.
I must admit that part of my diminution in income is from the fact that I now work at home as much as possible, but that is because of the long commute and the high cost of gas. I don't know if all of the latter problem can be entirely blamed on Bush. But I do blame Bush for screwing up even further the immigration service in the U.S., a goverment department that has always been a basket case, but that now is much, much worse than ever before.