Right - so I was getting ready for bed Saturday night at about 11pm. Sometime between putting my pyjamas on and getting into bed something bit the back of my right leg, behind my knee, right in the crease.
I get bit by EVERYTHING. And I am allergic to EVERYTHING. So this did not strike me as odd; neither did it seem odd that it turned red and has itched for the past two days.
I think it was a spider, though - it didn't follow my established pattern for a mosquito bite, which is a bite, followed by a slight tickling, followed by itching, followed by a big blistery whitish thing that lasts about 24 hours before becoming a week-long little, itchy, red bump.
This was just a bite, a bit reddened, and itchy. So I didn't pay much attention. Didn't sting or hurt or itch so badly that I was distracted.
Then last night I woke up at 4am (so approximately 30 hours after the bite) because of it itching. I realized I had been scratching at it in my sleep. So I took a look, and it was brighter red and the center of it, where the little bite is, was red (from scratching). The area around it, a bit bigger than a quarter, was also pinkish. This is not incredibly alarming as everytime I get bitten this happens (so like every day from April through October).
I am worried, though, because it's still itching now, almost 48 hours later, and the area around it is still pretty red and kind of... swollen. Not in a really scary way - my mosquito bites often get a bit hard and swollen, so I am not TOO worried.
Does anyone have any experience with this kind of thing? I don't want to go to the doctor because, for the first time in my life, I am unemployed and uninsured (no, I don't qualify for Medicare OR unemployment), and I don't want to spend $85 to be told nothing is wrong.
Am I right to assume that, 48 hours after a bite, these symptoms do not warrant a doctor's visit? I do not feel nauseous, feverish, no headache, etc. It's not getting rapidly worse or anything. It's not itching now as much as last night. Should I put some hydro-cortisone type of stuff on it and just wait?
Sorry this was so long ... looking for reassurance, really.