Actual headlineTyra Banks Launches Titillating Breast Reality ShowAPP -- Victoria's Secret Model Tyra Banks today launched a new, and provocative reality show in which supermodels, models, and just plain women will have their breasts examined and checked for implants. Guest "examiners" on the show will include Dr. Phil, and CSI team leader Gil Grissom. Male viewers will, by way of the Internet, be able to cast their vote for "real versus fake" after viewing downloadable sonograms, and actual breast images.
Tyra Banks Confesses: 'Breasts Are Real. But I'm A Man.' Los Angeles--CA) Tyra Banks, who recently had a sonogram on her talk show to allay persistent rumors that she had breast implants, was true to her word "they're real and they're fabulous." Unfortunately, she is a he. Tryra Banks admitted today that she was a man. "I'm glad to finally get it off of my chest," said Banks during a press conference at the Regent Beverly Wilshire, "my real chest."
Tyra Banks has a nude look-alike!A nude picture of a look-alike of supermodel Tyra Banks has reportedly caused lots of confusion among the readers of a porno magazine, and it seems the strong headline, "Totally Tyra," isn't helping the confusion.